Accessibility statement

National library of Spain is committed to make accessible its website in accordance withRoyal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 september on accessibility of websites and applications for mobile devices in the public sector.

The present statement of accessibility applies to the website:https ://


This website is partially in accordance with the RD 1112/2018 due to the exceptions and/or lack of conformity of the following areas.

Content is not accessible

The content presented below is not accessible by the following:

  1. lack of conformity with the RD 1112/2018
    • Use of headings. Headed in a row from the same level (or higher) without content including
    • Independence of the device. Indicator of the keyboard focus is not visible.
    • Availability of alternatives. Images without alternative text
    • Structural grouping. P Element with more than 150 characters and 2 or more elements used to simulate BR paragraphs incorrectly. DIV that contains the text is over 150 characters without using any label for text (P, Q, BLOCKQUOTE, etc.). Abuse of newlines BR instead of structural elements.
    • Forms and labels. Element INPUT that lacks a label that identifies its purpose. Tags form fields (LABEL) visually hidden
    • Separation of content and format. Use of HTML elements desaconsejados presentation.
    • Consistent browsing. Links contiguous so the same fate
    • Compatibility. Use of identifiers repeated at the same page.
  2. disproportionate burden
    • Not applicable
  3. the content does not fall within the scope of the applicable law
    • There are images above to 20 september 2018 without alternative text and which form part of the content migrated.
    • Ofimáticos files in PDF or other formats issued before 20 september 2018 that do not meet in full all the requirements of accessibility and which have been transferred as part of the migration of content.
    • Equally, there are foreign contents that are not developed in this body, nor under their control, partially able to fulfil the requirements of accessibility.

Preparation of the present statement of accessibility

The present statement was prepared the 25/6/2024.

The method used to prepare the statement has been: Diagnostic service online accessibility of the observatory

Recent review of the declaration: 17/5/2024.

Observations and contact information

You can make submissions on accessibility requirements (article 10.2.a) del RD 1112/2018) including:

  • Report on any possible failure of this site;
  • Transmit other difficulties of access to content;
  • To make any other queries or suggestions for improvement regarding the accessibility to the site through the following

Communications shall be received and dealt with by the area of legal affairs who will be responsible for processing a query or suggestion derivándolas technical services.

The accessibility revisions made to date of definition of the current statement is based on thecriteria WCAG 2.1.Stated objective to achieve the status of compliance with article 1, estimated, together with certain requirements of AAA level considered relevant to the improvement of the experience of the portal by the citizen.

Method of implementation

Thec. complaints proceduresset forth in article 13 of royal decree 1112/2018 will enter into force on 20 september 2019 to new websites and on 20 september 2020 for the websites already issued.

Optional content

The currently visible is june 2024 and on that date was the review of the level of accessibility in accordance with the tool of the observatory for Web accessibility.

The National Library of spain works to ensure that all citizens with access to information and services published on the site on an equal footing.

The BNE serves a good number of requirements reaching adequacy finding AA estimated and continues to work in the improvement of the aforementioned aspects such as improved.

In addition the BNE has implemented tool that allows ReadSpeaker automated reading its website. Users can click the play button to begin to hear the audio.

The BNE has signed an agreement with the organization Nacional de Ciegos españoles (ONCE), for the testing of accessibility in the Biblioteca Nacional, considering also the accessibility of the institutional web page.

The website is optimized for Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers 11.0 and current versions of FireFox, Safari, Opera and Google Chrome. Resolution website is the recommended minimum resolution of 1280x1024. For optimum display of all pages will be necessary to execute Javascript. If you are disabled, it remains the information on pages while in some cases unstructured.