What is the electronic headquarters?
Welcome to the electronic headquarters of the Biblioteca Nacional de España
The electronic headquarters of the Biblioteca Nacional de España allows the formalities and procedures for which it is responsible to be carried out online, 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
What can I do in the headquarters?
The BNE electronic headquarters enables users to apply online for services such as the reader's card, copying documents, advance request for assets…
It also gives access to the BNEelectronic register, allowing users to submit via the register any request or application to the Library without having to go there in person.
Furthermore, it allows users to consult all the regulations concerning the e-administration of the Library and all the necessary information about security, electronic certificates, electronic National ID Document (eDNI)… that a member of the public needs in order to use e-administration services.
Headquarters security
Communications are always secure, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the data sent by members of the public to the BNE, BNE authentication and the integrity or authenticity of the data the Library makes available.